* The McFarlane Bear Family
* The Chocolate Rabbit Family
Mother Teri Chocolate is as good as her husband at making sweets, though her specialty is making delicious chocolate cakes! She devotes her life of taking care of her many and very rambuctious children, although they sometimes drive her absolutely crazy! She's glad to have her level-headed husband to rely on when her temper gets the better of her. She tries her best to be the best friend, mother and wife possible, and is very glad to have moved to the same town as her childhood friend Elizabeth. She loves tor ead, although she lately hasn't had much time for it!
Sister Freya Chocolate might seem prim and girly at first glance, but she's actually quite the troublemaker! She enjoys playing pranks on her friends and family (which drives her mother Teri absolutely crazy!) and has quite the sense of humour. She's also a very loyal friend who will do everything in her power to help a loved one in need.
Brother Coco Chocolate loves riding his bycicle all around town and playing ball sports! He loves eating, particularly the sweets his parents make, and has an interest in the modern devices that are starting to appear in Sylvania, such as TVs, telescopes and photo cameras! He finds school very tiresome and does not always get good grades.
Baby Sister Crème Chocolate is still small, but very energetic! She always has a big smile on her face, though is often scared by sudden, loud noises. She loves climbing up and down everywhere she can reach, and following her older siblings around!
Baby Brother Kabe Chocolate loves to move around as well despite his young age! He crawls around everywhere, scaring his mother to death at times when she can't find him! He loves jumping on the bed and making a mess of the sheets.
Baby Sister Breeze Chocolate is, unlike her siblings, very calm and serene, and spends a lot of time sleeping. She's her mother last hope at having a quiet child! She's a very cute baby who will look straight at people's eyes and smile sweetly without making a fuss.
Grandfather Rhys Chocolate and Grandmother Patricia Chocolate are Teri's parents. They are adventurous, free spirits and are often away, travelling by boat. That doesn't mean, however, that they aren't loving grandparents that dote on their grandchildren, because they sure are! They often come back to Arcfield to visit their family.
Rhys, a sailor, loves indulging his many grandchildren and their friends with tales of his adventures at sea (although it might be that not all of them are strictely true!). Much to his daughter's dismay, he also likes telling embarrassing stories about her childhood!
Patricia, an excellent cook and baker, loves making delicious meals for her loved ones. She tends to overcater, but she means well and just wants to make sure that no one stays hungry. Aven though she's a refined lady that was born in a wealthy family, she feels much more at ease doing things herself and freely traveling the world with her adored husband than she ever was back at her childhood's mansion.
Mother Fliss Robinson is an excellent cook! She loves cooking and baking and all of her dishes are delicious and made with love. She's an expert homemaker who takes pride in her spotless house. Though very kind and warm, she will scold anyone, child or adult, that does not take care of themselves and perform their duties properly. If it's cold outside and you didn't bring a jacket, she won't let you leave until you borrow one from her and take a pot of warm soup with you, just in case!
Mother Carmela Spinelli is the best baker around! She gets up the earliest in the whole village to start working on her delicious bread. Many villagers are woken up by the delicious smells coming out of her oven and are often tempted to pass by and get the occasional sweet treat or to grab a quick bite before going to their respective jobs. Children love to visit her shop after school to get something to eat, and they often play together in the plaza in front of it afterwards! Although she can be serious when there's a need for it, she almost always has a smile in her face and is liked by everyone in Arcfield.
Older brother Christopher Spinelli is Anthony's younger brother. As he didn't take his university studies seriously, his parents sent him to Arcfield to live with his brother and work for him. He's currently working as the deliveryman for the bakery, though he mostly delivers his brother's pizzas! Carefree and relaxed, he actually enjoys his job, as it allows him to ride his motorbike all day long; he goes around the small village buzzing by on it and amazing the passersby with its speed! He also appreciates the fact that the customers often invite him for tea or give him a little something to eat with every delivery! Even though some people in the village try and tell him to be more responsible, his impish smile and charismatic behaviour usually allows him to get away with most everything.
* The Andes Alpaca Family
* The Hunter-Smyth Chocolate Labrador Family
Mother Camilla Hunter-Smyth is quite cheerful and relaxed, the perfect match to her sometimes meticulous husband. Her practical nature and flexible mind makes her very good at problem solving, and she always has a kind word of advice ready for anyone who might need it. A classy and elegant city lady, lover of all things fashion and style, Camilla is looking forward to opening a shoe and accessories shop in Arcfield in the near future.
Sister Isabella Hunter-Smyth has learned to be studious and responsible from her father. She quite misses the big city where her family used to live, but she's slowly starting to appreciate the low-stress lifestyle of a village. Before she couldn't afford to stop studying even for a day in order to stay on top of her grades, but now she has quite a lot of free time to get out and play! Despite being a bit prissy at times, she's quickly becoming friends with the other young girls her age in the village. She's very close to her twin brother Hector, and they tend to finish each other's sentences. She hates vegetables with a passion.
Brother Hector Hunter-Smyth loves maths and science, and hopes to become a successful researcher when he grows up. Even though he’s a city boy through and through, he doesn't miss the big city as much as his sister; he already was a bit of a loner back then, and enjoyed spending time alone in his room, which he can still do. Since he and Isabella have been spending more time out lately, he's slowly beginning to appreciate outdoor activities, though he still doesn't like getting dirty.
Baby Brothers Gerard and Thomas and Baby Sister Georgina are triplets! They're quite the rambunctious babies and always seem to be getting into trouble. Their favourite pastime is climbing on top of things, and they're getting smarter and smarter about it! They are also beginning to take advantage of the fact that they outnumber their parents and siblings in many occasions. Even so, there's no denying that they're incredibly cute, and when the three of them smile brightly at the same time, no one can say no to them!
* The Waters Beaver Family

Father Arthur Waters and his wife run the fruit cart in the village plaza, where they sell their own home-grown produce. Arthur is also known as a bit of an odd job man in Arcfield; if anything needs doing, you just need to let him know and he'll be there to lend a hand. Woodwork, broken pipes, roof repairing, you name it, he can do it. He has a calm, carefree disposition, in contrast with his rambuctious family! He adores his wife, Molly, but her nosiness and prying ways seem excessive to him at times. He believes people's private affairs should be left alone if they so wish!
Mother Molly Waters runs the fruit cart with her husband Arthur, and she loves their occupation, since it makes it possible for her to chat with everyone on the village and find out about every little detail of their lifes! An honest Sylvanian, full of candor, generosity and warmth, it is hard to refuse to answer her quick, insistent questions. She does mean well deep down; if she hears someone's in trouble, she'll do whatever's in her hands to help them. She has her hands full with her four children, but adores being a mother and loves her little ones' cheekiness; she hopes they won't grow up too quickly!
Brothers Fred and George are like two peas in a pod; they're always seen together and they're usually up to no good. Cakes and pastries are their absolute favourite, and if a cooling cake on a windowsill is suspiciously missing a slice (usually two), it has usually been these two's doing! Rumours say they're both quite admirative of the town biggest troublemaker, Freya Chocolate, but since she's a little older than then and also more subtle in her mischievous deeds, the three of them haven't associated just yet. The villagers can just hope they don't ever think of it, or even worse, that they start competing!
Baby sister Ginny and baby brother William (usually called Bill) are very happy babies, always full of smiles. They love to play together and with other children, as well as dressing up in costumes for the village's festivals and holidays, and it's very likely that they will inherit their older brothers' naughty dispositions. For now though, everyone enjoys their cuteness and hopes for the best!
*The Bearbury Bear Family