Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October Calendar Picture

Hello everyone!

Believe it or not, October's here already! Only three months left of the year!
Here I am, as usual, with the Sylvanian Families official Calendar picture for this month:

We have a fun Halloween picture this time! A trick-or-treating scene! Lots of yellows and oranges here, and the Sylvanian wearing the pumpkin costume really stands out, right in the center! I believe it's Aidan Osborne, from what we can see of his costume. He also seems to be a regular in these pictures, isn't he? No wonder though as these bears are so adorable! I also love the outfits the Sylvanians behind him are wearing. So cute! One of them is even carrying a little Halloween-y bag to carry the sweets! Inside the house we can see see lovely tiny Halloween decorations, love those little ghosts and bats! And the tiny lollipops look delicious! 
This time we have Freya, Crème AND little brother Kabe! Seems like it's the Chocolate family's home that the trick-or-treaters are visiting. Love the costumes the three of them are wearing, and the cute black star on Freya's cheek!

This picture is probably one of my favourites this year. Really adorable and colourful!

Halloween isn't really much of a tradition here in Spain, but it's been getting more and more popular in the last 5-10 years or so. When I was a child, it wasn't celebrated at all! Now children dress up for school and at the actual Halloween night, and young adults go to themed Halloween parties on that day. 

October is a very special month for me and my collection, as it's my birthday month! My birthday is on October 19th, and on that day, two years ago, my boyfriend gifted me my very first Sylvanian house, Beechwood Hall/City House with Lights! That was the true start of my collection. I already owned a Freya (of course, haha!), the McFarlanes and, I believe, the Girls' Dressing Table set, but wasn't doing much with them. I can't believe it's been two years already! I was afraid I'd lose interest quickly, but since then this hobby has inspired me to write stories, create this blog, and even do some crafting! And I can't see myself stopping collecting anytime soon, haha! My village and collection have really grown since then (I thought back then I'd only ever own one house, haha!) and I'm currently facing a serious lack of space, but I'm sure I'll figure something out. I have plenty of plans and projects for the things I do own, so no worries there!

October also marks the first anniversary of this blog! Last year, on October 2nd, I published my very first post! I had already written two or three stories, that I had posted on the SF Collectors forum, and wanted a place to keep them and so that my village and my collection would have a "home", so to speak. I can't believe I've been regularly posting here for a year already!

I hope you are all enjoying my posts and stories as much as I'm enjoying creating them. This is such a wonderful, wholesome, creative hobby!

Have a great (and slightly spooky! :D) October!


  1. Hi Ayrell!
    Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary! It's lovely that you enjoy your collection and your blog so much! I certainly enjoy all your posts! Your stories are always super sweet and genuine, and I love how you always develop your characters and their personalities. By now I feel like I know nearly all the Arcfield villagers personally!
    I'm not a huge fan of Halloween myself, to be honest, and it's not really celebrated all that much here, but I do have to admit this calendar picture is cute! The costumes, especially that ghost one, are adorable! Thanks for sharing!
    Have a wonderful October! :)

    1. Hello Kelsie!
      Thank you for your lovely comment! It makes me so happy to read that you enjoy my blog and little stories! :)
      I agree that this month's picture is adorable! The little squirrel with the ghost costume is the cutest.

      Have a great month as well!

  2. Happy blogiversary!

    It is a nice calendar picture - lovely colours and the critters look to be having lots of fun. I'm not a great fan of the commercialisation of Halloween but I must admit that it has a super look, especially when the autumnal colours are used. The ghost squirrel does have a cute face. It made me realise that - apart from little Ambrose who came with the Baby Ride and Play set - I don't have any Walnut squirrels; mine are all Furbanks.

    I agree with Kelsie about your blog. Your character development shows your writing skill, and the photos are always clear and colourful; the stories always provide a good read and one wants to return for more! It makes me glad that you're enjoying your hobby so that we can too!

    1. Thank you Jackson for your comment and your blogiversary wishes!
      I really love the colours in this month's picture. I don't own any squirrels myself but would love to get a family at some point, they're very cute!
      Thank you once again for your kind comment regarding my blog, I'm very glad you like it and enjoy my stories!
      Have a great Thursday!

  3. Hi Ayrell!
    I love this picture! Far from being spooky, it´s a very funny one . It really made me smile.Ha,ha! The pumpkin costume is amazing but I´m afraid Aidan Osborne will remove that pumpkin from his head as soon as he gets the first sweets or otherwise he won´t be able to eat any until he gets home.I´m sure he won´t be able to wait.

    As for your birthday, what a coincidence! It´s my son´s birthday too! He´ll be turning five.I know you got the bakery as an early birthday present but I hope you get something sylvanian, even it is just a little set.

    Last but not least,congratulations on your first year blog anniversay!It´s always a pleasure to read your stories and to get to know more about Arcfield´s villagers.I get excited any time there is a new post on your blog. Hope you keep blogging for many more years to come.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Hi Cutata!
      I also love this picture! I think you're quite right about Aidan Osborne, haha! He sure loves sweets, and food in general!
      What a coincidence about your son's birthday, as well! Happy early birthday to him! Five years old already! I remember when you wrote about him being two, hehe!
      I think I might be getting a couple of Sylvanian presents. :) I'll let you know!

      Thank you regarding the blogiversary as well! I'm so happy you enjoy my stories and the shenanigans the inhabitants of Arcfield get up to. As you know, I love your blog, so it means a lot to me.

      Thanks again, have a great Sunday!

  4. Congratulations Ayrell! Caitlyn and I both love reading about Arcfield!
    Hope you get something cute for your birthday!
    (And in case you're wondering, yes the Australian Sylvanian calendar has this picture this month too!)

    1. Thank you GreyRabbit (and Caitlyn!). So happy that you enjoy my blog!
      I'll probably be mentioning my birthday gifts in a blog post if I get anything Sylvanian, hehe. Looking forward! Thank you! :)
      Interesting that you have the same illustration this time! I've already seen 2020's Calendar for pre-order and I'm seriously tempted...

      Have a great day!


Thank you for your comment! :)