Tuesday, December 3, 2019

December Calendar Picture

Hello everyone!

I can hardly believe it, but it's already the last month of 2019, and my last Calendar post of the year!

Here is the picture for the month of December in the 2019 official SF Calendar:

We have a beautiful and quite Christmassy night scene in the Town! Stella Chocolate is here with her boyfriend, William Cinnamon, and I absolutely adore their clothes! I wish they sold these beautiful coats and suits! The Christmas Tree behind then is absolutely stunning, too, and the starry sky just adds to the atmosphere. I also love the tram with its light at the back! 

I thought for a moment that we had no Freya this time, but of course, that's not the case! :D She's on a balcony in the background, along with her mother Teri. :)

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for ever since the start of the year: the Freya and Crème count! Let's see how many times the two sisters have appeared in the 2019 Calendar pictures:

Freya Chocolate: 10 times!
Crème Chocolate: 6 times!

Freya wins, of course! With the boom and success of baby-themed items and sets lately, I kind of feel like Crème might become even more ubiquitous than her big sister, but it seems like for the time being, Freya's still in the lead!

All jokes aside, I also wanted to show you the picture for December 2018, also included in the Calendar, but that I didn't get to show:

This is a beautiful, snowy picture! I'm not sure if this is the new Beechwood Hall, it might be. I love how many Sylvanians there are in the picture, the huge Christmas tree and adorable little Crème on the top window. The decorations are also quite adorable. And once again, I want all those scarves and coats! :D 

And now, for the final surprise of this post: the December 2019 picture in the new 2020 Calendar!

There is currently a big Sylvanian Families exhibition in Spain, about an hour and a half away from where I live, organised by the Spanish branch of the company. It's apparently the biggest SF exhibition ever made in Europe! I had the chance of attending last week, and it was amazing! There were several huge dioramas representing the Village, the Seaside, the Town (this one even had movement!), and a beautiful snowy one with an ice-skating rink! I took loads of pictures and hope to make a post about it soon. :)
Here's a link to a news article with a couple of pictures: https://www.valenciablog.com/exposicion-sylvanian-families-ateneo-valencia/

In any case, they had the Calendar for 2020 for sale there, so I bought it! And here's the picture I mentioned, the very first one in the Calendar, for December 2019.

I love the clear colours and all the white and gold in this picture, and once again, Stella's coat is absolutely gorgeous! She's once again with her boyfriend William. Love those little decorative trees!

I've really enjoyed posting the monthly Calendar picture this year, as Emily and Cutata did before me. I'd be glad to continue doing it next year, but if someone else wants to take over for 2020, I'll be happy to read their posts too! :)

I have been pretty busy lately with non-Sylvanian things, so I'm pretty late for the forum challenges. I still haven't taken any pictures for the Wishlist one, and the following one (Christmas Dinner) has already been posted! I hope to be able to catch up soon. The lack of sunlight doesn't help, as I need to take pictures in the morning now, and I'm usually busy with work at those times. There's also a couple of other posts I want to write and publish here, so looks like I have my work cut out for me, blog-wise! :) Thank you everyone for reading and commenting, I truly appreciate it! I'm also quite behind in reading and commenting on your latest posts and contributions to the challenges, I hope to be able to do that soon!

I hope you have a wonderful December and wish you all happy holidays!


  1. They are lovely pictures, Ayrell, and the clothes are brilliant. It's clever how the photographers have brought out the critter's characters with their subtle posing.

    But then again, the Sylvanian design makes them such expressive little people. I still have most of the cast of my last story standing in a group on my sideboard, and I can see Hughie Grunt looking at me as if to say, "what are you doing, then?"

    What little happymakers they are!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Jackson! I agree with you regarding the pictures and the clothes, everything looks amazing.
      Sylvanians sure are cute and expressive! I like to have them posed as if going about with their day, they always make me smile!
      Have a great day!

  2. Hi Ayrell,
    The three December pictures are stunning!
    I also wish they sold those beautiful coats! When winter arrives I wish I had some warm outfits for my sylvanians to wear.
    I´m happy to read you have the intention to keep posting the monthly calendar picture in 2020. That´s great!
    I meant to ask you if you were going to write a post about the Sylvanian exhibition and I´ve just read you are going to do it soon. I think it´s worth it to show some of the lovely dioramas.
    Thank you for posting the calendar´s pictures during this year. I enjoyed looking at the pictures and reading what you wrote about them.

    1. Hi Cutata!

      Thank you for your comment! I'm also quite fond of the three pictures and also long for warmer clothing for my Sylvanians.
      I will be happy to keep posting the 2020 Calendar pictures next year if no one else wants to do it! :) I'm glad you enjoyed reading my monthly calendar posts! :)
      I will definitely do a post about the SF exhibition! I'll have to make a selection of pictures; as you know, I took quite a few, haha!

      Have a wonderful week!


Thank you for your comment! :)