Thursday, October 13, 2022

October 2022 Calendar Picture

Hello everyone!

It's finally Autumn/Fall in my part of the world, and temperatures are getting chillier after a very harsh summer. October and the spooky season are here! This is also my birthday month, so it might be my favourite time of the year. :)

Today I bring you this month's picture in the official SF Calendar.

Appropriately, it is a perfect picture for Halloween! I love seeing all the Sylvanian children and babies in their costumes. The Haunted House is adorable, I do wish it was a bigger building though. Candy and fun all around! An adorable picture, and not scary at all. I like it!

I hope you are all doing well and having fun with your Sylvanian projects. I've been quite out of touch with the hobby lately, because of work and other issues. I do want to get back to it, I miss setting up scenes with the adorable figures and miniatures, taking pictures and writing stories. I thought that maybe once summer ended the motivation would come back, but it's just not there yet. Hopefully soon!

Stay safe and healthy everyone and have fun during this spooky month!


  1. Hi Ayrell!
    Thanks for sharing this picture! Halloween isn't a very big thing where I live but I like seeing all those babies dressed up in costume! They're so cute they would have a hard time giving anyone a fright!
    I'm in the same boat with you. I haven't blogged in ages (whoops!) but I've just started renovating an empty house for my Appleblossom family, and I find doing a project helps me get back into it a bit. But just take your time and do what's enjoyable, and the Sylvanians will always wait.
    I'm glad you have relief from the heat and are enjoying autumn (my favourite season too). I am looking forward to some warmer weather haha! I hope you had/have a lovely birthday and get back some motivation soon! Good luck!

    1. Hi Kelsie! Thank you very much for your comment.
      Halloween wasn't very big in Spain either a few years back, but it seems to be gaining in popularity lately. Not that I'm complaining, I'm a fan of the concept of the spooky season myself, hehe!
      I'm looking forward to seeing the Appleblossom's new home! Thank you for your words of encouragement and the birthday wishes! As you said, the Sylvanians will always be there for us when we want to go back to them.
      I hope the weather is a bit warmer in your part of the world now! It's getting chillier here.
      Thanks again, and good luck to you as well! I also hope you get your motivation back soon!
      Have a great day!

  2. What an active picture! It's a marvellous scene. Thanks for sharing, Ayrell.

    As Mellowdene generally doesn't believe in the human world, it takes lateral thinking to explain occasions like Hallowe’en or Christmas in my stories, and even then they are likely to be watered down. A shame in some ways, as I would love to have some of the costumes and accessories shown in this picture. And this month's forum challenge is - you've guessed it - Hallowe’en!

    Ah, never mind. I can enjoy your picture in its own right.

    1. Hi Jackson! Thank you very much for your comment.

      You can always set up a Halloween scene that's not part of the Mellowdene canon, just for fun! Or make it part of a dream, haha. I'm looking forward to seeing what you came up with for the Halloween prompt. I'm very behind on many of the stories and blogs I'm following lately!

      Have a great day and thanks again!

  3. A very cute calendar picture - I do like the ghost overlay on the balloon :) Hope to see some new stories from Arcfield when you feel up to it - your stories are always a delight. :)

    1. Hi GreyRabbit! Thank you so much for your comment!
      The balloon ghost is very cute indeed, I agree with you.
      Thank you for the kind and encouraging words! I'm glad to read you enjoy my stories. I really like yours, too! I'll have to check your blog for the latest updates. :)
      It's been very long since I've last felt inspired to write a story. I'm also lacking a printer right now, which makes it difficult to plan for anything needing a specific wallpaper. I want to take some pictures for a simple "day-in-the-life" story featuring the nursery school building Berna sent me though, and that does not need wallpapering, so I have no excuse really! :)

      Thanks again and have a great day!


Thank you for your comment! :)