Thursday, July 1, 2021

July 2021 Calendar Picture

Hello everyone,

It's hard to believe, but we're already in July 2021. This year has been going so fast! I hope that you're all staying safe! 

Today I bring you this month's picture in Cutata's beautiful handmade calendar.

This a lovely picture that is perfect for this month! When you are from Spain, like Cutata and myself, you quickly associate paella with summer, hehe! 

This picture can be found in this wonderful story from Cutata's blog, which she wrote for a forum challenge. We can see Amanda and Glenn Splashy enjoying a delicious paella with the owners of the Seaside Restaurant in Sweet Berry Valley, Caspian and Narrissa Neptune. I love both of these otter families, though I sadly only own the Splashies. I think they look adorable with their round heads and friendly expressions! 

The fact that you can actually see the sea from the window is just another testimony of Cutata's eye for detail. I love the tiny paella the fact that their glasses seem to be filled with white wine. A perfect, delicious summery meal sha
red between new friends!

I have good news regarding my planned Woodbury story which I wrote about last month; just today, I finished taking the pictures, so the "only" thing left is to write the actual story. I hope to be able to publish it soon, since next week Marcos and I will be taking Vega (our almost-4-month-old puppy) and leaving for a holiday at my parent's house in the countryside. It's been 10 months since I've seen them, and it's been even longer for the rest of my family, so I'm really looking forward to that!

We haven't got our vaccines yet, but it seems that for our age group that might be happening after July 18th, so we might need to travel back after that date. We'll see!

Speaking of Vega, I can't end this post without posting an updated picture of her, haha! So, here she is! She will be 4 months old on the 4th of July.

Her ears are already less floppy! I liked them that way, but Marcos has been hoping for her to straighten them up, haha! I think she's adorable no matter what.

She's also got an IG account, in case you want to follow her. :)

I hope you have a wonderful month of July. Happy Summer, everyone! Stay safe and healthy!


  1. Hi Ayrell!

    I agree that the Cutata's picture is another special one, and the background seascape is perfect.

    Great news about your forthcoming story, and I'm so happy you're enjoying your cute woofie!

    Happy July!

    1. Hi Jackson!

      Thank you very much for your comment. I completely agree with you regarding the picture!

      I'm giving the story the final touches and hopefully it'll be up soon!
      Vega is a troublemaker, but so cute! We can't help but adore her, haha.

      Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  2. It is once again a beautiful calendar photo by Cutata. The ocean in the back is a wonderful detail. I do wonder if it was photoshopped or just a paper added on the back.🤔 I've had paella before and it tastes delicious, I really love seafood! However, I always have it during autumn and winter because of the cold lol

    Have fun seeing your parents! It must be exciting to see them after 10 long months. Much has happened in 10 months. How long will you be away? (If you don't mind me asking)

    Vega is cute (as always) and I do see the ear difference. Personally, I agree with you and I think the floppy ears are better.

    Have fun with Marcos, Vega and your parents,
    Posh Pear (AKA Yosemite)

    1. Hi Yosemite!
      Thank you so much for your comment. :)
      Regarding the ocean through the window, I'm not 100% sure, but I think Cutata usually uses photos for her backgrounds. I love paella as well! I used to live in Madrid, but now I live in the east coast of Spain and here paella is a specialty dish and they make it really delicious!

      We plan to be away for either two or three weeks. Not sure yet!

      I hope you and your family have a wonderful summer as well. Stay safe and healthy!


Thank you for your comment! :)