Thursday, January 19, 2023

January 2023 (Cutata's!) Calendar Picture

Hi everyone! Happy New Year!

I didn't get my hands on an official Sylvanian calendar this year, but my dear friend Cutata surprised me with another hand-made one with her beautiful pictures! Thank you so much, Cutata!

As you can imagine, I'm delighted, and it sounds like my monthly posts will continue. It's a nice way to keep the blog alive even if I'm not actively playing much with my Sylvanians. :)

So, here's Cutata's beautiful picture for January!

It's our favourite rabbit couple, Peter and Peace! They're standing in from of their cozy, snow-covered cottage. Love the detail of the sprinkled snow, and their hand-made rug and wreath. Their clothes are also perfectly suited to them and their lifestyle. :)

You can learn more about Peter and Peace, visit their lovely home and go along with them on a stroll to the Christmas Market by visiting this blog post from December 2021 in Cutata's blog.

This year I really want to get back to my Sylvanian hobby. It's been too long! I'm busy with work, but I really want to start doing the things that make me happy again. No promises, but I do have some ideas and have started setting up a scene for a new story.

Thank you very much, and have a wonderful rest of the week and of January!