Saturday, June 1, 2019

June Calendar Picture

Hi everyone!

It is the first of June, and I'm back with the picture for this month in the official SF Calendar.

I quite like this picture! Even though here in Spain the weather is definitely getting warmer, as summer approaches, we have an overcast and rainy picture in the calendar. This is not surprising, as in Japan it's the beginning of the rainy season. 

The picture is quite colourful in person, and the babies are adorable. I quite like it! I love their little raincoats and umbrellas, as well as the water effects in the puddle. The flowers are also quite pretty, and we can see the nursery bus in the background. Do you think the babies escaped to play in the rain, or did the bus driver let them out? 

We have Crème Chocolate here, of course!
I hope you're all doing OK and enjoying your Sylvanians. Isn't this a wholesome, relaxing hobby? When I first started collecting I was afraid my figures and buildings would just stay on display, collecting dust, but I've been doing quite a bit with them: photos, stories, even little crafting projects! It's been a year and eight months and my interest for Sylvanians is still going strong. :)

I've been purchasing baby band blind bags since I last told you about the two I had got: I bought two more (found a local store that sells them!) and was lucky enough to not get any repeats! I now also have the squirrel and the bear. :) So cute!

Have a great June!


  1. Thanks for sharing this month's calendar picture! I agree with you, it is very cute! I too was also wondering if the babies were actually allowed out to play-the bus driver in the background doesn't look too pleased!
    Congrats on the new baby blind bags! As I have said before, I desperately want that black tuxedo baby in the shopping series! Unfortunatley, the blind bags haven't been released yet in NZ(or perhaps that is a blessing in disguise for me and my purse!) I'll just have to wait until the 31st July when they are released...
    I'm glad to hear your Sylvanian love is still strong! And you're right, it's very relaxing hobby. I've been so busy lately I haven't spared much time for my own collection, but I think I might go and spend some time with them now!
    Have a great week!

    1. Hi Kelsie!
      Thank you very much for your comment. :)
      The shopping series isn't out yet in the physical stores here in Spain either, only the music band babies for now. I'll have to wait as well!
      Hope you got to spend some time with your Sylvanians! The good thing is that even if you take a break, they'll be waiting for you. :)

      Thanks again!

  2. Hi Ayrell,
    I love June´s calendar picture! I imagine the situation. Lots of fun for the kids but not that much for the bus driver, haha. At least it seems they´re wearing rainboots. My younger children feel a special attraction for rain puddles too.Actually, I think all kids do.

    It´s great your interest in Sylvanians is still going strong. I love your blog and I hope you keep writing stories, woking on new projects and enjoying this hobby for a long, long time!
    Sorry to comment so late but I´ve been quite busy lately. I´m looking forward to having some time for myself and my sylvanians!
    Have a nice day!

    1. Hi Cutata!
      Thank you very much for your comment. I agree with you regarding the poor bus driver, haha! I also remember being quite fond of rain puddles when I was a child. Good times!

      Thank you once again for your kind words! I'm so happy that you like my blog, as I enjoy yours so much! :D I hope you're feeling better and that you'll get some well-deserved "me" time to enjoy your Sylvanians very soon!


Thank you for your comment! :)